Chainsaw training

There are two routes to training and certification for chainsaws and aerial tree work which follow a logical, pre-requisite, progression:

Training Only courses, providing a Lantra Awards attendance certificate and leading to NPTC assessment intended for those seeking contractual work in professional forestry, amenity or arboricultural activities, or

Integrated Training and Assessment (ITA) courses, leading to a Lantra Awards Certificate of Training
Suitable for someone who intends to use the chainsaw for business, domestic or leisure activities, but does not intend to work in forestry or arboricultural activities or work on Forestry Commission land, or fell material over 200mm in diameter.

Please see the link below for the pre-course requirements related to all chainsaw training:

Chainsaw Pre-Course Handout

Initial & Refresher Training Courses

Refresher courses are required every 3-5 years depending on the frequency with which the operator uses these skills. Those who are using their skills on a frequent basis are required to complete a refresher every 5 years whilst less frequent users must refresh their training every 3 years. 

Chainsaw and Arboriculture Courses

March 2025
April 2025
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